Below you will find some items of interest from the last General PAC meeting and the Executive meeting. The official minutes will go out in the next couple of weeks so watch for those. Some of the items below require action form our parents, many hands make light work! Please email me if you can help out.
$278.91 was raised from the Purdy’s Easter sales, total sales were $1115.63, which was disappointing. Please Encourage your Cadets to participate in all fundraisers that way we can have less of them, and we can have offer the Cadets a better program, it's up to all our Cadet families.
* Parents we need your HELP with these*
*In general we need more parent volunteers to help with various tasks from helping out at the Mardi to picking up bottles for a bottle drive. In order to be able to volunteer there is a screening process that you need to do. The Army Cadet League covers the cost of your screening. For more info please contact PAC president Adam Van Gastel a_vangastel@hotmail.com
*The Major is looking for 2 tool boxes one for the band to use and one for the biathlon team. We are looking for a donation of 2 new tool boxes. If you think you may be able to procure these please contact our president Adam Van Gastel a_vangastel@hotmail.com
Bottle Drives=Free Money...
*-Bottle drive on May 28th, we will be holding this in two communities in Calgary one in the North and one in the South. Close to LRT stations so Cadets can get there to participate. Parents with trucks will be needed to take bottles to the depot, community's TBA please let me know if you can help out.
*Bottle pick up- look at targeting some businesses close to Mewata offer to pick up their recycling on a bi weekly or monthly basis. Consider approaching Tim Hortons or Starbucks close to Mewatta. We will need a parent or two to step up and offer to approach some businesses and organize the pick ups. Please email me if you would be interested in helping with this.
*Asking all parent and families to hang onto their recycling and bring it to Mewatta once a month then we can take it to the depot. We need apparent with a truck to offer driving the bottle to the depot most likely on a Thursday. This could be coordinated with picking up bottles from surrounding businesses.
Kind Regards
2137 Calgary Highlanders Cadet Corps PAC
Lonneke Mensen-Ward
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