Saturday, February 15, 2020

Gold Star Expedition & Call-out for staff cadets

The Gold Star expedition weekend is approaching (May 22-24).

Gold Stars or those needing to take or re-take the Gold Star expedition:
1. The weekend is the second and final required expedition weekend in the army cadet program. Participation in the gold star expedition is a requirement to pass Gold Star

2. Cadets must have completed and passed the silver star expedition to participate

3. 2137's assigned gold star weekend is 22-24 May 2020. If you are missing this requirement or are new to Gold Star this year, and you know 100% you will not be able to attend this weekend due to a conflict, please come speak to the TrgO on a Thursday night BEFORE Feb 27th OR ASAP to see if we are able to accommodate.

4. Full details will be released in April. 

Staff Cadet Call-Out:
1. Must be 16 years of age
2. Must be Gold Star qualified (passed the gold star training level) - Exceptions may be applied to those with the Expedition Instructor qualification from camp
3. Excelled at a local, regional, national or international expedition

The following weekends are available to staff:
 8-10 May 2020
22-24 May 2020
29-31 May 2020 

To apply:
Cadets interested in staffing and who meet the above criteria may apply by emailing with the subject "Gold Star Expedition Staff Cadet Application" by NLT Feb 28, 2020. Please note that this is an unpaid opportunity.

Please include the following information:
1. Full name and rank
2. Dates you are interested in staffing
3. Previous expedition experience

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