Sunday, February 9, 2020

Silver & Gold Stars - Reminder for this Thursday

Just a reminder to all Silver and Gold Stars that were assigned a lesson to instruct:

1. Please be prepared to teach your lesson this Thursday, February 13th. Bring in your lesson plan and assessment package

2. If you require any items from Stores to use as Instructional Aids for your class, please ensure you request these items PRIOR to the start of opening parade. Stores will be open starting at 1730 (5:30pm) on Thursday. Please request the items early to ensure there is not any issues

3. If you will not be able to attend cadets this Thursday and you were assigned to instruct, please notify Lt(N) Ogilvie asap. In your message, please indicate which lesson you were assigned. 
- Gold stars -> send a slack message to Lt(N) Ogilvie on the 2137 Gold Star slack workspace
- Silver Stars and Gold Stars without access to Slack -> email with the subject "Instructor Absence"

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